
2021年2月,日本磐城,泰珂洛为其DrillForceMeister可换钻尖式钻头产品线增加了AH9130刀片材质,适用于孔径范围从20.0 mm 到 41.0 mm (.787″ to 1.614″)。 AH9130,由优化用于钻孔加工的PVD材质和专用硬质合金基体组成,是一款专门开发用于ISO P(钢),ISO M(不锈钢)和ISO K(铸铁)孔加工最新的刀片材质,能够实现显著的刀具寿命提高和可预测的磨损趋势。17款SMP-型刀片已经发布了这款最新的材质,直径涵盖了20.0 mm 到 35.0 mm (.787″ to 1.378″)。除了泰珂洛涵盖了大部分ISO材料的通用材质AH725之外,AH9130为DrillMeister在ISO P,M和K的应用中增加了工艺安全性并提高了刀具寿命。 rillForceMeister采用了一款特殊的可换钻尖式的设计,能够以更低的成本有效的应对从20.0 mm 到 41.0 mm (.787″ to 1.614″)大直径孔的加工。和款特殊的钻尖采用了一种不对称的V型底面设计,使其在钻体相对应的刀片座上获得完全支撑。实现精确地刀尖重复定位和安全的刀片固定。此外,钻尖和刀片座的大接触面能够获得强力支撑,使钻尖在严苛的钻孔加工中承受住较强的切削负载。钻体上排屑槽的设计也能够保证在各种材料加工中顺畅的切屑控制和排屑。 DrillForceMeister无需修磨和重新涂层,减少了因避免停机而准备的流动刀具库存量,因此在大批量生产中线上是总体的每孔加工成本降到最低。新钻尖通过简单的更换就能够保证钻头的尺寸稳定性和刀具寿命可预测性,从而满足工件的精加工尺寸要求。 Product information No. 509S3-G ...

Iwaki, November 2020 — Tungaloy has added the DMN style drill head to its DrillMeister exchangeable-head drill series to expand its drilling productivity in non-ferrous applications. DrillMeister incorporates a unique self-locking interface that enables simple and secure drill head exchange. Since drill heads can be replaced...

Iwaki, September 2020 — Tungaloy has expanded its DrillMeister exchangeable head drill system by adding DMC drill heads in a diameter range from 6.0 mm to 7.9 mm (.2362″ - .3110″) to address precision drilling of small bores. DrillMeister is designed to provide high precision holes...

Iwaki, August 2020 — Tungaloy has expanded its popular DrillMeister range of exchangeable-head drills to include new enhanced cutting-edge geometry, DMH. DrillMeister incorporates a unique self-locking interface that enables simple and secure drill head exchange. Since drill heads can be replaced without having to remove the...

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Iwaki, July 2020 — Tungaloy has further expanded its DrillMeister, an exchangeable-head drill line, to include DMF drill heads. Designed to provide long and predictable tool life, DrillMeister exchangeable-head drills provides a significant reduction in setup times, easing the burden of pressing cost-per-part economy. Due to...

Iwaki, June 2020 — Tungaloy has further expanded its DrillMeister, an exchangeable-head drill series by adding DMC-style high-precision drill heads in the 20.0 mm to 25.5 mm diameter range. Designed to provide long and predictable service life, DrillMeister exchangeable-head drills allow the drill head exchanges to...

Iwaki, June 2020 — Tungaloy is expanding its FINE BEAM line of BTA deep hole drill system by adding new insert geometries and grades. FINE BEAM incorporates precision insert and guide pad designs to make it possible for high precision deep hole drilling at high speeds...