Contact & F.A.Q.

Worldwide Network

Tungaloy’s main production facility operates in Japan, supplemented by additional plants located around the world. Our distribution centers in Asia, Europe, and North America as well as sales offices in more than twenty countries ensure our high-quality products and services reach our customers throughout the globe in a timely manner.

Tungaloy Alternative Item Finding Chatbot

Welcome to the Alternative Item Finding Bot for items that have been phased out and are now obsolete. By inputting the designation of the old item, the bot will provide you with the current alternative and suggested item.

Contact Form

    11-1 Yoshima-Kogyodanchi
    Iwaki-city, Fukushima, 970-1144 Japan
    Phone: +81-246-36-8501
    Fax: +81-246-36-8542

    Frequently Asked Questions


    What are the strengths of Tungaloy

    What is a carbide grade?

    What is PremiumTec technology?

    Why are PVD nano layered coatings considered so efficient and progressive?


    What is Tungaloy’s first grade choice for steel machining?

    What is Tungaloy’s first choice in chip formers for steel machining?

    How do I improve surface roughness?

    What is Tungaloy's recommendation for cost saving?

    How do I select the anvil's handedness for internal turning holders?

    What grades and chip breakers does Tungaloy offer in ISO-EcoTurn line?

    How do I improve chip control with a CBN insert?

    I am using a boring bar with a long overhang of more than 4xD. How do I reduce vibration?

    What is the advantage of Premium CVD grades?

    What is Tungaloy’s first choice chipbreaker for stainless steel?

    What is the benefit of high-pressure coolant?

    Where can I find CAD drawings of the tools?

    What are the guidelines for the length-to-diameter ratios for internal turning holders?

    What torques are recommended for the insert screws of internal turning holders?


    What product does Tungaloy offer for general grooving applications?

    What is the best solution for face grooving?

    What is the best economical solution for grooving and parting?

    What is the first choice for heavy duty grooving?

    What grades are recommended for ISO-M and ISO-P materials?

    What is the most suitable grade to machine ISO-S (high temperature alloys) materials?

    Which grooving toolholders should I use on Swiss-type machines?

    What tools/inserts should I use for internal grooving in small diameter bores?

    What is the advantage of TinyMini-Turn line versus competitors?

    How can I reduce vibration?

    When do you recommend using TungTurn-Jet tools with internal coolant?

    How can we reduce the tooling cost?

    Threading (Milling)

    What is thread milling?

    What types of ThreadMilling tools does Tungaloy offer?

    What are the advantages of ThreadMilling versus taps?

    How I can choose the right tool for the right application and thread?

    Who can help me prepare a program for ThreadMilling?

    Threading (Turning)

    What is the difference between partial and full profile?

    What is the advantage of the full profile insert?

    What is the disadvantage of the full profile insert?

    What is the advantage of the partial profile insert?

    What is the disadvantage of the partial profile insert?

    What is the recommended infeed method?

    How to select the correct anvil?

    Is it possible to produce multi-start threads with standard inserts?

    What is the most suitable grade for threading stainless steel?

    What is the most suitable grade for low-powered, unstable machines?

    Why is the chipbreaker not working?

    What can I do to improve the chip control?

    What threading toolholders should I use on Swiss-type machines?

    What is the maximum length-to-diameter ratios for internal threading holders?

    Is it possible to produce Left hand thread with Right hand toolholder and insert?


    Which product families are included in the TungForce indexable milling line for accelerated machining?

    The term “high positive” is often used when speaking about indexable milling cutters. What does it mean?

    Cemented carbide is a main material used to produce indexable inserts. Tungaloy provides a rich variety of carbide grades. Where can I find basic information on properties of the grades, recommended cutting speeds, and application ranges?

    Do the indexable milling cutters have internal channels for coolant supply?

    Which is better to improve productivity – varying the feed or the depth of cut within acceptable limits?

    How can I find a more efficient indexable milling cutter for my application?

    I am face milling stainless steel and experiencing severe chip welding and poor surface finish. What do you recommend to improve the situation?

    How do I calculate the tool's RPM and feed rate from the recommended cutting parameters?

    Milling (High-Feed Milling)

    Does Tungaloy provide indexable milling cutters for High Feed machining?

    Which milling operations are most effective for applying High Feed machining?

    Does Tungaloy have High Feed solutions for face milling?

    Which High Feed lines have the ability to perform circular ramping operations?

    Does Tungaloy have High Feed solutions for machining difficult-to-cut materials like titanium or high temperature alloys?

    Milling (Slot Milling)

    What products does Tungaloy offer for Slot Milling?

    What is the application range of Slot Milling?

    What are the main types of Slot Milling cutter bodies?

    Why are Slot Milling cutters called side and face milling cutters?

    Which method is a first choice for Slot Milling?

    Milling (TungMeister)

    What are the advantages of TungMeister?

    How is a head mounted into a shank?

    What type of TungMeister heads does Tungaloy offer?

    What is the accuracy of the heads?

    Is it necessary to lubricate threads when mounting the heads into a shank?

    What is the repeatability tolerance of TungMeister heads?

    Milling (Face Milling)

    What is face milling?

    Which method is a first choice for face milling?

    What is the advantage of 45º cutters?

    What are the target applications of 90º cutters?

    What is the advantage of round and feed insert cutters?

    What products does Tungaloy offer for face milling?

    How can we improve surface quality?

    Does Tungaloy have wiper inserts?

    Does Tungaloy have milling cutters dedicated for finishing operations?

    Milling (Shoulder Milling)

    What is shoulder milling?

    What is one of the most important conditions when shoulder milling?

    Which Tungaloy product line is the first choice for shoulder milling?

    What is the most economical solution for 90° shouldering?

    Does Tungaloy have an extended flute line for heavy rough shouldering?

    What is Tungaloy's line-up of shoulder milling cutters?

    Does Tungaloy have a powerful, indexable solution for small MC and lathe machines?

    How can deeper shoulders be produced?

    Milling (Extended Flute)

    What is an “extended flute” cutter?

    Which milling operation is more effective for Extended flute cutters?

    How can power consumption be reduced?

    Does Tungaloy have an extended flute line for heavy rough milling?

    Can extended flute cutters be used for semi-finish operations?

    Does Tungaloy have an economical solution for extended flute cutters?

    What grades are available in the extended flute lines?

    Milling (Profile Milling)

    What is profile milling?

    Which industries use profile milling operations the most?

    What is the most common geometry for profile milling?

    What are the critical points and recommendations when profile milling?

    What is the advantage of point milling – tilted cutter?

    What can be used as an alternative to round indexable inserts?

    What products does Tungaloy offer for profile milling?

    Milling (Gear Milling)

    Does Tungaloy provide tools for milling gears and splines?

    What are the available module ranges for gear milling cutters?

    What is the accuracy for finishing?

    Hole Making

    What is the standard lineup of Tungaloy's drilling line?

    What is the recommended coolant flow rate?

    What is the recommended coolant pressure?

    What straightness can be achieved with DrillMeister?

    Is it possible to use DrillMeister for boring operations?

    What type of adapter is recommended?

    What should the maximum hole exit be for DrillMeister?

    Is a pilot hole always needed before drilling?

    I am using an indexable drill in an external coolant setup. Do I need to lower the cutting parameters?

    Can an indexable insert drill be used to enlarge a pilot hole?

    What is the best economical solution for drilling?

    What are the advantages of TungSix-Drill versus traditional indexable drills?

    Can we use TungSix-Drill for machining stainless steel or low carbon steel?

    Does Tungaloy have an indexable solution for deep hole drilling?

    What is the standard range of the GunDrill lineup?

    What is the benefit of DeepTri-Drill inserts?

    What is the accuracy of DeepTri-Drill and how is it reached?

    Can we use DeepTri-Drill inserts and pads for BTA heads?

    I want to use a gun drill on a lathe. Is this possible provided the coolant pressure is increased?

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