TungCut / TungShortCut


Multi-functional system for diverse grooving needs

TungCut has a wide selection of standard items; inserts and toolholders are applicable for all grooving operations




Applications & Features

External groovingInternal groovingInternal grooving and turningFace groovingParting-off

1. High clamping rigidity

For stable tool life and accuracy.

2. Benefits of TungTurn-Jet high pressure coolant supply

Drastically improved tool life.

3. Chip breaker for grooving and turning

Inserts & Grades


TungCut Inserts for External Grooving, Turning and Parting-off

  • CW = 1.0 – 8.0 mm (.039″ – .315″)

TungCut & TungShortCut Inserts for Undercutting and Profiling

  • CW = 1.85 – 8.0 mm (.073″ – .315″)

TungCut & TungShortCut Inserts for Internal Grooving and Turning

  • CW = 1.2 – 8.0 mm (.047″ – .315″)

TungCut Inserts for Face Grooving and Turning

  • CW = 1.2 – 8.0 mm (.047″ – .315″)

TungCut CBN Inserts for Grooving and Turning

  • CW = 2.0 – 5.0 mm (.079″ – .197″)
Main Grades


  • P20 – P30 / M20 – M30 / S15 – S25
  • Excellent wear resistance and high rigidity
  • First choice for grooving of various materials


  • P15 – P25
  • First choice for roughing to medium cutting
  • High fracture resistance


  • Suitable for general machining of hardened steel


Grooving, Turning & Parting

TungCut Toolholders

Multi-functional system for diverse grooving needs

Internal Grooving & Turning

TungShortCut Toolholders

Toolholder that accommodates downsized internal grooving insert


TungCut Tool Blocks, Shanks

Multi-functional system for diverse grooving needs



Modular type toolholder with square shank and PSC connection

Practical examples

Part: Ring encoder
Material: SUM22L
Toolholder: CTER2020-4T25
Insert: DGM4-030
Grade: AH7025
Cutting conditions: Vc = 180 (m/min)
f = 0.2 (mm/rev)
CW = 4 (mm/min)
CDX = 8 (mm)
Application: Parting off
Coolant: Wet
Part: Gear Housing
Material: SCM420 / 20Cr4
Toolholder: CTER2525-3T09
Insert: DTX3-030
Grade: AH725
Cutting conditions: Vc = 120 (m/min)
f = 0.15 (mm/rev)
CW = 3 (mm)
CDX = 7 (mm)
Application: Grooving
Coolant: Wet
Part: Valve
Material: SUS304 / X5CrNi18-9
Toolholder: CTIR25-3T05-D250
Insert: DTX3-030
Grade: AH7025
Cutting conditions: Vc = 80 (m/min)
f = 0.08 (mm/rev)
CW = 3 (mm)
CDX = 2.2 (mm)
Application: Grooving
Coolant: Wet

Standard cutting conditions

External grooving, Turning, Undercutting, Parting-off
ISO Workpiece material Hardness Priority Grade Cutting speed
c (m/min)
S45C, SCM435, etc.
C45, 34CrMo4, etc.
< 300 HB First choice AH7025, AH725 50 – 180
< 300 HB Wear resistance T9225, AH8005 80 – 300
< 300 HB Impact resistance GH130 50 – 120
< 300 HB Surface quality NS9530 80 – 220
Stainless steel
SUS303, SUS304, etc.
X10CrNiS18-9, X5CrNi18-9, etc.
< 200 HB First choice AH7025, AH725 50 – 120
< 200 HB Wear resistance AH8005 50 – 120
< 200 HB Impact resistance GH130 50 – 120
Grey cast iron
FC250, etc.
250, etc.
First choice T515, AH7025 50 – 180
Impact resistance GH130 50 – 180
Ductile cast iron
FCD450, etc.
450-10S, etc.
First choice T515, AH7025 50 – 120
Impact resistance GH130 50 – 120
Aluminium alloys
Si < 12%
First choice TH10 100 – 500
First choice KS05F 100 – 600
Inconel718, etc.
< HRC 40 First choice AH8005 20 – 80
< HRC 40 Impact resistance AH7025, AH725 20 – 60
Titanium alloys
Ti-6Al-4V, etc.
< HRC 40 First choice KS05F 20 – 80
< HRC 40 Impact resistance AH7025, AH725 20 – 80
Hardened steel
SCM435, SUJ2, etc.
34CrMo4, B1, etc.
> HRC 50 First choice BX360 80 – 150
Internal grooving, Face grooving
ISO Workpiece material Hardness Priority Grade Cutting speed
c (m/min)
S45C, SCM435, etc.
C45, 34CrMo4, etc.
< 300 HB First choice AH7025, AH725 50 – 140
< 300 HB Wear resistance T9225, AH8005 80 – 240
< 300 HB Impact resistance AH6235, GH130 50 – 100
< 300 HB Surface quality NS9530 80 – 180
Stainless steel
SUS303, SUS304, etc.
X10CrNiS18-9, X5CrNi18-9, etc.
< 200 HB First choice AH7025, AH725 50 – 100
< 200 HB Wear resistance AH8005 50 – 100
< 200 HB Impact resistance AH6235, GH130 50 – 100
Grey cast iron
FC250, etc.
250, etc.
First choice T515, AH8005 50 – 140
Impact resistance AH6235, GH130 50 – 140
Ductile cast iron
FCD450, etc.
450-10S, etc.
First choice T515, AH8005 50 – 100
Impact resistance AH6235, GH130 50 – 100
Aluminium alloys
Si < 12%
First choice TH10 100 – 400
First choice KS05F 100 – 480
Inconel718, etc.
< HRC 40 First choice AH8005 20 – 60
< HRC 40 Impact resistance AH7025, AH725 20 – 40
Titanium alloys
Ti-6Al-4V, etc.
< HRC 40 First choice KS05F 20 – 60
< HRC 40 Impact resistance AH7025, AH725 20 – 60
Hardened steel
SCM435, SUJ2, etc.
34CrMo4, B1, etc.
> HRC 50 First choice BXA20, BX360 80 – 120
New 1.2 mm wide parting-off inserts
ISO Workpiece material Grade Cutting speed

Vc (m/min)


C45, 34CrMo4, etc.
AH725 50 – 200 0.01 – 0.05
Stainless steel
X10CrNiS18-9, etc.
AH725 50 – 200 0.01 – 0.05
Titanium alloys
Ti-6Al-4V, etc.
AH725 30 – 80 0.01 – 0.05
Profile turning inserts with 35° nose angle
ISO Workpiece materials Grade Cutting speed
Vc (m/min)
f (mm/rev)
Low carbon steels
S15C, SS400, etc. C15E4, E275A, etc.
AH7025 50 – 180 0.05 – 0.3
Carbon steels, Alloy steels
S55C, SCM440, etc. C55, 42CrMo4, etc.
AH7025 50 – 180 0.05 – 0.3
Free cutting steels
SUH22, SUH23, etc.
AH7025 50 – 180 0.05 – 0.3
Stainless steels
SUS304, X5CrNi18-9, etc.
AH7025 50 – 120 0.05 – 0.3
Grey cast iron
FC250, etc. 250, etc.
AH7025 50 – 180 0.05 – 0.3
Ductile cast iron
FCD450, etc. 450-10S, etc.
AH7025 50 – 120 0.05 – 0.3
Titanium alloys
Ti-6AI-4V, etc.
AH7025 20 – 80 0.05 – 0.3
Inconel718, etc.
AH7025 20 – 80 0.05 – 0.3
ISO Workpiece material Hardness Grade Cutting speed
Vc (m/min)
S45C, SCM435, etc.
C45, 34CrMo4, etc.
< 300 HB AH7025 50 – 180
Stainless steel
SUS303, SUS304, etc.
X10CrNiS18-9, X5CrNi18-9, etc.
< 200 HB AH7025 50 – 120
Gray cast iron
FC250, etc.
250, etc.
AH7025 50 – 180
Ductile cast irons
FCD450, etc.
450-10S, etc.
AH7025 50 – 120
Inconel718, etc.
< HRC 40 AH7025 20 – 60
Titanium alloys
Ti-6Al-4V, etc.
< HRC 40 AH7025 20 – 80
ISO Workpiece materials Grade Cutting speed
Vc (m/min)
f (mm/rev)
Low carbon steels
S15C, SS400, etc.
C15E4, E275A, etc.
AH725 50 – 180 0.05 – 0.1
Carbon steels, Alloy steels
S55C, SCM440, etc.
C55, 42CrMo4, etc.
AH725 50 – 180 0.05 – 0.1
Free cutting steels
SUH22, SUH23, etc.
AH725 50 – 180 0.05 – 0.1
Stainless steels
SUS304, etc.
X5CrNi18-9, etc.
AH725 50 – 120 0.05 – 0.1
Grey cast iron
FC250, etc.
250, etc.
AH725 50 – 180 0.05 – 0.1
Ductile cast iron
FCD450, etc.
450-10S, etc.
AH725 50 – 120 0.05 – 0.1
Inconel718, etc.
AH725 20 – 80 0.05 – 0.1
Titanium alloys
Ti-6AI-4V, etc.
AH725 20 – 80 0.05 – 0.1
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