The Limitations of Tool Life When Machining Difficult-to-Cut Materials/High Hardness Steels with End Mills

Superar los retos del desgaste de la herramienta en el fresado de materiales de alta resistencia 

Antecedentes y situación actual:

En el fresado de materiales difíciles de cortar y aceros de gran dureza, las fresas de mango son una elección muy habitual. Sin embargo, estos materiales tienen una alta resistencia específica al corte y elevadas temperaturas en la punta de la herramienta, lo que afecta significativamente a su vida útil. Especialmente al mecanizar aceros inoxidables, aleaciones de cobre y aceros de alta dureza, la temperatura de la punta de la herramienta de las fresas de mango aumenta considerablemente, provocando con frecuencia un desgaste prematuro y astillado. Esto provoca un aumento de los costes de la herramienta y de los gastos de mecanizado.

Desafíos sobre el terreno:

En estas condiciones, muchos centros de mecanizado se enfrentan a los límites de la vida útil de las herramientas, lo que exige cambiarlas con frecuencia. El resultado es una disminución de la eficacia operativa y un aumento de los costes de producción. Para los usuarios que seleccionan principalmente fresas de mango, este problema es un quebradero de cabeza diario, lo que aumenta la necesidad de buscar nuevas soluciones.

Tecnología innovadora de fresas de alto avance

Advantages and Theory of High Feed Blade Types:

High feed cutters have an advantage over end mills in rough machining of difficult-to-cut materials and high hardness steels. This advantage lies in the smallness of the cutting angle.

In the case of AddDoFeed, the cutting angle is 17°, which allows the cutting thickness to be reduced. When the cutting angle is 17°, the cutting thickness can be made approximately one-third as thin as that of an end mill with a 90° cutting angle. This helps suppress the rise in tool tip temperature and extend tool life.

Challenges and Countermeasures of High Feed Cutters::

High feed cutters offer unique advantages but also come with disadvantages. While they allow for thin cutting thickness, achieving a large cutting depth (ap) like that of an end mill is challenging. Many users prioritize both tool life and machining efficiency, making this aspect crucial.

When machining difficult-to-cut materials and high hardness steels, end mills often chip due to high specific cutting resistance. This typically leads to reduced cutting depth (ap) or smaller cutting widths (ae) and lower feed rates, even with a larger ap.

For high feed cutters like AddDoFeed, which operate at small cutting depths, improving overall efficiency can be achieved by increasing the feed per tooth. By doing so while maintaining a shallow depth, users can attain machining efficiency equal to or greater than that of end mills.

Thus, AddDoFeed not only extends tool life but also enhances machining efficiency.

Extension of Tool Life:
Due to the small cutting angle, tool tip temperature is suppressed, resulting in less wear. Additionally, choosing to increase the feed rate beyond the current levels can reduce wear by decreasing the number of contacts between the cutting edge and the workpiece per pass.

Improvement of Machining Efficiency:
Even with a small cutting depth, increasing the feed rate allows machining efficiency to catch up, resulting in more efficient processing.

Cost Reduction:
By using high feed cutters, it is possible to reduce overall machining costs through «reduction of insert usage,» «decrease in tool costs by switching from solid tools to insert-type tools,» and «reduction in tool change frequency.»

Advantages of AddDoFeed

Processing Efficiency with AddDoFeed

AddDoFeed’s unique 17° cutting angle minimizes chip thickness, reducing cutting resistance and improving efficiency. This design manages tool tip temperatures and wear, extending tool life for stable machining.

Proven Results and Tool Life

AddDoFeed optimizes cutting conditions and increases feed rates for challenging materials and high hardness steels. Available in tool diameters Φ8–16 mm with a 4-corner insert, it reduces tool usage and costs while minimizing frequent tool changes.

Visit Tungaloy’s eCat to explore the complete lineup of AddDoFeed

AddDoFeed Vs. Solid Endmill with 6 teeth for SUS304

3 times the machining efficiency
1.3 times the tool life

Tool cost estimation shows a 90% reduction in tool costs


Product Name AddDoFeed Φ16 Solid
End Mill
Insert Price (¥)
*Reference price listed on a certain e-commerce site
10 100
Number of Corners 4 1
Number of Cutting Edges 4 6
Chip Removal Volume Until End of Life (cc) 640 480
Running Tool Cost per Set (¥)
*Excluding the cutter body
100 1,000
Tool Cost per cc of Chip Removal ($/cc) 0.16 2.08

AddDoFeed Success Reports from the Shop Floor

Successful Case in Turbine Blade Machining

High feed machining with AddDoFeed replaced traditional solid end mills, resulting in a 2.9 times increase in machining efficiency. Tool life was extended by 7.5 times, thanks to the excellent wear and heat resistance of AH8015 material and effective internal lubrication for tool tip cooling.

Successful Case in Inconel Shafts Machining

Traditionally used solid end mills. AddDoFeed generates thin chips with a small cutting angle, distributing cutting loads mainly to the tool tips. As a result, tool life doubled, and efficiency increased by 2.2 times.

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