Premium CBN Products

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Tungaloy’s Premium CBN Products

Tungaloy has always been a pathfinder in CBN developments, making hard turning and other CBN applications less hard than it seems…

CBN is commonly applied for Hard Turning application but also is used for machining Cast Irons, Superalloys and Sintered Materials. The wide range of Tungaloy´s Premium CBN Products covers all the possible CBN applications.

CBN Inserts

Tungaloy’s CBN Grades and their properties

Hard Materials

Cast Iron


Sintered Metals

Unique Tungaloy CBN Solutions


Hardbreaker Series

CBN inserts with integrated chipbreaker for improved hard turning productivity


Wavy Joint

CBN insert with new brazing technology for high efficiency hardened steel machining



Useful CBN insert with unique shape


TungCut CBN Inserts

CBN Grooving inserts


TinyMini-Turn CBN Series

CBN carbide boring bars for miniature machining for as small as 2.8 mm bore diameter

Tungaloy’s Knowledge

The uniqueness of Tungaloy´s CBN

Made by Tungaloy

Tungaloy is the market leader of CBN Blanks

Carefully-selected micron-sized cubic boron nitride powers are sintered with a ceramic or metallic binder under high-temperature, high-pressure (HTHP) environment of over 5 GPa (over 725,189 psi) at 1400 °C -1500 °C (2552 °F – 2730 °F) in Tungaloy’s latest sintering equipment. The CBN blanks will then undergo strict quality screening before being fabricated into CBN inserts.

Tungaloy welcomes customers to collaborate with its Advanced Materials Team to develop customized CBN grades perfectly tailored to the customer’s specific hard turning needs. Tungaloy offers a high level of performance in the most challenging hard turning applications but can also bring these unique products to the customers in a short time span.