MATRIX increased our production output and reduced machine downtime

Before using MATRIX
Every Friday afternoon before the second shift came in to work, we found ourselves running out of certain cutters and inserts because we didn't realize our tools were low in stock and forgot to order them. This was a big problem as we had to either stop our production line or change machine set ups to work with alternative tools. Even if we managed to machine the products using other tools and maintain our production output, we suffered from machine downtime, which, in the end, costed us extra money on labor and manufacturing overhead.

Benefits Brought by MATRIX
MATRIX allowed us to accurately keep track of tools on our hands as well as how frequently we use them. This information helped us order our tools in time, so our second shifts now have all the items they need for production. We never have to worry about going short on customer orders or stopping the machine to set up alternative items just because we forgot to order our tools. This was precisely what we were looking for, so we are very happy we purchased MATRIX to solve our problems.

Our Unique Idea on Using MATRIX
For each component we machine, we have a designated part number. We associated all the tools we use to machine the component with this part number, so when we go to MATRIX to take out tools to start our work, we don't accidentally pick up the wrong items. Endmills in more than one size with different lengths of cut as well as coated and non-coated variations are used on our production floor, so we could easily make mistakes with manual inventory management. MATRIX helps us use the right tools for the job and prevents us from making defective products.